Shooting Sport

International standards, top notch quality ISSF specifications compliant shooting sport goods – accessories, equipment and requisites for championship disciplines like 10M, 25M and 50M pistol and rifle shooting sports.

Compressed Air

200 bar / 300 bar PCP compressed breathing air tank/cylinder filling at Sector 17A, Gurugram.

Compressed breathing air – Ideal for shooting sport, fire fighter and scuba diver tanks.

Top quality (TRIPLEX filter system P-21 / EN-12021 standard) dust, moisture and oil free compressed air from specialized high pressure compressors for the much needed precision and consistency in championship shooting – that 0.1 point makes all the difference in gunning for Gold!

Also available: Wide variety of adapters, valves, washers and other such compressed air accessories and equipment.

Fire Safety

With complete focus on highest quality and safety standards for breathing air, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and other such fire safety equipment, we provide BS EN12021 standard 200 bar and 300 bar breathing air filling, steel and carbon fiber air tanks, adapters, valves, washers, etc. manufactured by world renowned brands in the industry.